An-Yeu (Andy) Wu吳安宇

Ja-Ling Wu吳家麟

Fang-Jing Wu巫芳璟

Chih-Yuan Yang楊智淵

Chuang-Wen You游創文

Communication Across Cultures; Computer-mediated Communication
Research ProjectsHuman-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design for AR/VR, Haptic User Interface
Research ProjectsIndustrial Design, User Experience, Design Entrepreneur
Research ProjectsHuman-Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Image Processing
Research ProjectsMultimedia Signal Processing Systems, Multimedia VLSI Design, SoC Design Methodology
Research ProjectsHuman-Computer Interaction, User Experience Research & Design
Research ProjectsNonlinear Systems Control, Visual Tracking and Serving, Robotics
Research ProjectsSystems Design, Design Tools, End-user Programming Co-PI, Natural and Seamless Interaction
Research ProjectsNetwork Security, Applied Cryptography, Highly Available Future Networks
Research ProjectsHCI (human computer interaction), wearable devices, virtual reality and augmented reality
Research ProjectsIntelligent Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, Virtual-to-Real Learning with Digital Twins, Computer Vision, Parallel Computing and Parallel Computing Architecture, Electronic Design Automation
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Spoken Language Understanding, Speech Recognition
Research Projects互動媒體、虛擬實境、電腦繪圖、人機界面、多媒體應用
Research ProjectsHuman-Computer Interaction, Innovative Sensing, Ubiquitous Computing, and Rapid Prototyping
Research ProjectsSupervised and unsupervised learning, Multicategory learning, Support vector machines, Smooth technique for SVM, Large-scale nonlinear SVM, Medical application: Breast cancer prognosis
Research Projects5G跨層協定設計、機器學習網路架構設計、射頻感測應用服務
Research ProjectsInternet of Things, Service-Oriented Computing, Real-Time Computing, Distributed Systems
Research ProjectsMachine Learning, Computer Vision
Research ProjectsReal-time Systems, Scheduling Theory, Embedded Systems, Collaborative Robot Mission, Autonomous Vehicle, Sensor Fusion
Research ProjectsUser Experience, Interaction Design, Technology-mediated Memory
Research ProjectsVehicular Networking and Communications, Vehicle and Transportation Systems, Visible Light Communication and Positioning
Research ProjectsNatural Language Processing(NLP), Dialog/QA systems, Cross-Language NLP, Deep Learning
Research ProjectsAssistive Speech Communication Technologies, Audio-coding, Deep Neural Networks, Biomedical Signal Processing, Speech Signal Processing
Research ProjectsHuman-Computer Interaction, Language Technology, Digital Learning
Research ProjectsDigital Signal Processing, Communication IC Designs
Research ProjectsMobile Computing, Pervasive Intelligence, Wireless Networks, Internet of Smart Things, Distributed Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, Privacy-preserving Techniques
人機互動(Human-Computer Interaction)、普及計算(Ubiquitous Computing)、無線感測網路(Sensor Networking Systems)
Research ProjectsCommunity Informatics, Human-Computer Interaction, Participatory & Scenario-based Design
Research Projects