NTU IoX Center

同時,為了人工智慧科學生態系在臺灣的成長,我們更是不遺餘力。透過多次辦理如2019智慧人機共生感知關鍵技術產學成果發表會、MobileHCI 2019、以及TAAI 2017等國際級盛會,引進最新實務標準與技術發展趨勢資訊。
Mission and History
IoX Smart Innovation Partnership
Innovation keeps us moving forward. Before each innovation gets to debut, it goes through a research phase, where new problem formulations and surprising ideas take place; and a development phase where the business model and market positioning settle.
This process is traditionally done internally and unilaterally within a company. A multilateral model, however, has been gaining popularity and success among the most competitive companies and was coined “Open Innovation” as opposed to the unilateral model “Closed Innovation” in 2003.
Open Innovation lowers cost and reduces time in early-stage research by forming an external partnership where information is shared between experts across business and academia. Close Innovation, on the other hand, ensures market supremacy by guarding key technologies internally. Each model has its strengths and limitations; each model is viable in its way. So the question is, why not take the best from both worlds?

The IoX Center Smart Innovation Partnership consists of the best and brightest people ranging in AI, IoT, HCI, Design, and Business Management. Through leveraging and combining resources, we produce high-quality forethoughtful early-stage research with lower cost in a shorter time. At the same time, we identify and productize prospective findings with our business partner through seamless technology transfer.
We are your reliable innovation partner, the one-stop for your innovative needs. Join us to achieve more for less, join us to start innovating smartly.
Members' Affiliation
Past and Present Partnerships
Contact Us
- 蔡欣穆
- E-mail : hsinmu@csie.ntu.edu.tw
- TEL : +886-2-3366-4888#316
- 林軒田
- E-mail : htlin@csie.ntu.edu.tw
- TEL : +886-2-3366-4888#314
- 巫芳璟
- E-mail : fangjing@csie.ntu.edu.tw
- TEL : +886-2-3366-4888#516
- 韋宇君
- E-mail : contact@iox.ntu.edu.tw
- TEL : +886-2-3366-1471
- 李樂群
- E-mail : research@iox.ntu.edu.tw
- TEL :+886-2-3366-1468
- E-mail : event@iox.ntu.edu.tw
- E-mail : finance@iox.ntu.edu.tw
- TEL : +886-2-3366-1474
- 王姵蕍
- E-mail : finance@iox.ntu.edu.tw
- TEL : +886-2-3366-1472