[Invited Talk] Designing Interactive Products and Systems with Synthetic Data Streams
- Topic : [Invited Talk] Designing Interactive Products and Systems with Synthetic Data Streams
- Speaker: Prof. Mathias Funk (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Date: Friday, July 27th, 2018
- Time: 11:10 am - 12:00 pm
- Venue: 台灣大學博理館 7A 會議室 / 台北市羅斯福路四段1號
Topic : Designing Interactive Products and Systems with Synthetic Data Streams
Speaker: Prof. Mathias Funk (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Date: Friday, July 27th, 2018
Time: 11:10 - 12:00
Venue: 7A, Barry Lam Hall, NTU 臺灣大學 博理館 7A會議室
Contemporary interaction design reaches beyond the one-user-one-product paradigm; we are frequently designing products as parts of local systems that might even communicate with remote services or participate in the Internet of Things (IoT). In doing so, designers have to deal with data in daily practice. They create emergent functionality and aesthetics, and even imbue moderate intelligence. This talk aims at showing new approaches that designers can use to connect their concepts to data streams and leverage synthetic data to sketch, prototype and validate designed concepts with contextual approximations. We will elaborate on the necessary design tools and engineering thoughts as needed by the complex products and systems of the now.
Dr. Mathias Funk is Assistant Professor in the Future Everyday group in the Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology. He has a background in Computer Science and a PhD in Electrical Engineering. His research interests include complex systems design, remote data collection, systems for musical expression, and design tools such as domain-specific languages and integrated development environments. In the past, he has worked at the Advanced Telecommunications Laboratory (ATR) in Japan, at RWTH Aachen, at Philips Consumer Lifestyle and at Intel Labs, Santa Clara. He is also the co-founder of UXsuite, a high-tech spin-off from Eindhoven University of Technology.