[Invited Talk] Smartphone Visible Light Communications
- Topic : [Invited Talk] Smartphone Visible Light Communications
- Speaker: Dr. Hoa Le Minh, NorthumbriaUniversity at Newcastle, United Kingdom
- Date: Tuesday, December 5th, 2017
- Time: 2:20 pm- 3:30 pm
- Venue: R210, CSIE-Der Tian Hall, NTU 臺灣大學 德田館 210
Given the evolutions of functionality and hardware, the usage of smartphones has grown substantially in the last several years for personal and business applications. The devices are extensively used for numerous applications and purposes in communications, entertainment, productivity, navigation and monitoring. Conventional wireless communications for Smartphone-to-Smartphone (S2S) is based on radio frequency (RF) technology offering convenience and reliability data transferring. As the demand for S2S is ever growth thanks to the increase of services and more sophisticated content, RF spectrum is reaching to its limit. Data communications in the optical domain using visible light for S2S is a potential solution for both bandwidth extension and secure wireless communications that is complementary to its RF counterpart. Unlike RF, the light beam is directional with inherent immunity to electromagnetic interference, thus offering a secured link. This talk will discuss on the development progress of S2S visible light communications technology, including system and sub-system design and testing, with further extend to the performance and system limitation.
Dr Hoa Le Minh is a senior lecturer and programme leader of electrical and electronics engineering of Northumbria University at Newcastle, UK. Prior to joining Northumbria University he was a research fellow at Siemens AG, Munich, Germany and at University of Oxford, UK. His research area is optical communications, visible light communications, sensor network and Smartphone technology in which he has published over 150 papers in journals and conferences and currently he is the Chairman of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Chapter of UK and Ireland.